Final project description

For my final project i Plan on doing a montage and some adjustment corrections. While doing the montage project i found that i liked creating a new picture from different images. During  the meeting we had you showed me a artist that would take photographs and place them in different backgrounds. When i went to the museum I actually seen the exhibit I believe it was called pie town. That is kind of the direction I want to take my final. I am going to take the photographs my self of people dress them up the way they would if they were actually in the background. the background I plan on getting online. I want the photos to be sort of a fairytale like theme. I will mask out all of the photos and do adjustment layers on the people. I think one part that is going to be difficult is me getting the photos I want, also masking out the hair of the people that i shot is always difficult for me but it’s something i need to get better at so I’m willing to take up the challenge. I hope that this project will come out well and can be used as a portfolio piece.

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